Obedience Classes

Dog owner hugging good dog

Obedience Classes

Beginning Basic - offered for dogs completing DDTC KPT class and/or for dogs approximately 7 months or older. Owners are taught how to teach their dogs the basic obedience commands: SIT, DOWN, STAND, COME, and HEEL. Proper dog care is also taught.

Advanced Basic - a continuation of what the dogs began to learn in Beginning Basic so that the dog will be very solid on the fundamentals of Obedience commands. Dog and handler should be able to execute heeling with a loose leash with change of pace, stand for exam with handler 6 feet away, formal sit/stay for 1 minute, and down/stay for 3 minutes -- both at 15 feet -- and a recall with dog coming to front to handler 15 feet away. (Dogs must complete Adv Basic before being evaluated for Agility classes.)

FUNdamental - is offered for dogs approximately 7 months or older. This class is aimed at students just beginning training with their puppy and are not sure what path they will ultimately want to concentrate on. The main difference is in the delivery of these skills. It is a cross-over course that will teach the fundamentals of obedience, rally and agility instruction to reinforce the teaching of the skills. Based on the student’s progress, this class may have to be repeated before entry into Advanced Basic, Rally 1, or Beginner 1 Agility.

Competition Dog Training Classes Available

Competition Novice – geared towards individuals who are interested in showing in Obedience. Skills taught in Beginning Basic classes are incorporated into this Competition Novice class. Instruction is taught on use of foot work, heeling that will include changing paces (i.e., normal, slow, and fast) and generalized introduction of what is expected in novice when competing in the show ring. Skill work learned in one week will be a building block for the next week, etc. The emphasis of this class is to make learning fun for you and your dog. You will also learn to begin to prepare yourself and dog to compete at a show. Attention heeling, kick back stands, tuck sits, sphinx downs, fast recalls, solid stand for exams, and making it fun for the dog & handler. Students will start work on some open & utility exercises for competitive handlers who are close to or actively showing. Skill work can also be used for the start line stays in Agility, as well as heeling and other skills needed in Competition Rally.

Competition Advanced Novice (Ring Prep) – work on all things to get good scores in novice and beyond. You will also learn how to fill out an entry form for competing and showing your dog. This class addresses individual training issues, prepares you for the ring, as well as prepares you and your dog to move up to the Competition Open class.

Competition Open Class – available for anyone who is actively showing in Novice or has a Novice title. Your dog must be able to have the basic skills required for open, i.e., dog must be able to pick up and hold a dumbbell and have basic idea for broad jump and high jump.

Competition Utility – available for anyone who is actively showing in Open or has an Open title and is ready to move onto Utility. Should have some knowledge of Utility skills.

About Us

  • Dauphin Dog Training Club, Inc. (DDTC) is a not-for-profit American Kennel Club affiliated obedience club, founded in 1956 by a small group of dog enthusiasts who wanted to meet with other dog owners to train dogs and promote goodwill among all dog lovers.
  • We strive to train owners to train their dogs.


719 Manada Bottom Road, Harrisburg, PA 17112